GMO Food

GMO Foods

GMO foods have caused concern & controversy regarding how the body absorbs them. The DNA of food was designed by the Creator to be compatible with human DNA.  If a food’s DNA has been altered, it’s unclear if the body may or may not be able to tolerate these changes. Current research suggests more long-term research is needed.

Genetic modifications to the DNA of GMO plants are designed to improve taste, appearance, & resilience to pesticides and herbicides. However, it also raises concern about allergic reactions, cancer, antibiotic resistance, and environmental impact. Many GMO foods are designed to tolerate application of pesticides &/or herbicides. Herbicides such as Round-Up whose active ingredient, glyphosate, is subject to controversy because studies have linked it to various diseases. One has to question if the crop(s) being altered to tolerate these toxic chemicals absorbs them and passes them on to the individual.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), GMO seeds are used to plant over 90% of all corn, cotton, & soy grown in the United States, which means that many of the foods you eat likely contain GMOs. The list of GMO foods also includes canola, sugar beet, alfalfa, potatoes, papaya, pink pineapple, summer squash, & a few apple varieties.  GMO crops have had genes added to their DNA for various reasons like:

  • Increasing size of product.
  • Enhancing color for visual appeal.
  • Crop sustainability.
  • Crop tolerance to applications pesticides and herbicides.
  • Ease of farming & increase yield per acre.

While it’s possible to naturally give foods desirable traits through selective breeding, traditionally it is a slow process & takes many generations. Genetic modification accelerates this process by using scientific techniques to alter the plant’s DNA that give the plant the desired trait sought after. There is concern that pollen from GMO crops may negatively impacted honeybees, but solid evidence to support seems to be lacking.

The World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), & Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), maintain that GMOs are safe for human & animal consumption. (These agencies also reported COVID vaccines would stop the COVID virus.)

It’s worth noting that no food labeled “100% organic” contains any GMO ingredients because U.S. law prohibits this. However, if a product is simply labeled ‘organic’ it may contain some GMOs. As of 2022, the USDA requires that foods with GMO ingredients must be labeled “bioengineered food”.  Most foods in your local supermarket contain GMO ingredients because they’re easier and more cost-effective for farmers and the manufacturers of ‘Big Food’. You can avoid GMOs by limiting refined or processed foods that use GMO ingredients, eat locally, know the farm, or co-op you purchase from, or buying 100% organic.


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